Saturday, 9 February 2008

think pink...

so if you didn't know already, pink is the new black and for those that know the store yep it's pink!

and pink's not just for the girls. Come summer watch out for many a man sporting a pink shirt or polo.

of course our range of vegan bags by matt & nat are flying out already particularly in the pink and bitte kai rand's silk and cotton knitwear looks just as good in a very wearable coral colour. get the new season look complete with a pair of jeans by kuyichi now in store.

with the pink in the store the store looks completely different and feels it too. so much so that we've christened the season "the house of love..." our window change this week for valentines is a timely homage to love featuring the Delicious Love Ring by Izzy (Isabelle Bricknall) The mixed media piece of art features the words we've stuck on the window and the idea is you need to read it left to right as fast as possible.

created on acetate, we've wrapped Izzy's art piece around Sebastian Wrong's Spun T1 table lamp priced at £1720 for this unique item
whatever your doing on february 14th this year make time to visit the house of love...

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